Monday, September 30, 2019

Psychological Perspectives for Health and Social Care Essay

Psychologists uses a range of perspectives and approaches when studying how individuals think, feel and behave. Some researchers may focus on one specific perspective, whilst other researchers study a more diverse approach that may incorporate multiple points of views. Each perspective aims to offer explanations for different aspects of human behaviour. The behaviourist approach’s influence to health care The behaviourist approach is based on the concept of explaining behaviour through observation and the belief in which our environment is what causes us to behave differently. The behavioural learning model learning is the result of conditioning. The foundation of conditioning is that a reward following a desirable response performs as a reinforcer and increases the possibility that the desirable response will be repeated. Reinforcement is said to be the core of the behaviourist approach. Furthermore, once a desired behaviour established, irregular reinforcement maintains the behaviour. The behaviourist theory approaches are frequently used in weight loss, smoking cessation, assertiveness training and anxiety-reduction programs. The significance of frequently and consistently rewarding desired behaviour immediately and not rewarding undesirable behaviour is crucial to the success of a behaviourist approach to learning. The principles of classical conditioning have been applied in many therapies. As its name suggests, behavioural therapy is focused on human behaviour and looks to eliminate unwanted or abnormal behaviour. Typically this type of therapy is used for those with behavioural problems or mental health conditions that involve unwanted behaviour. Examples of this include: addictions, anxiety, and methodical desensitization for phobias, aversion therapy and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Practitioners of behavioural therapy believe that behaviour is learned and can therefore be un-learned through therapy. As well as the behaviour  itself, behavioural therapists will look at thoughts and feelings that lead to the behaviour or occur as a result of the behaviour to comprehend the issue at a greater level. Aversion therapy is a form of treatment that utilizes behavioural principles to eliminate unwanted behaviour – as it follows, if all behaviour is learned it can be unlearned. In this therapeutic method, the unwanted stimulus is repeatedly paired with discomfort. The objective of the conditioning process is to command that the individual associates the stimulus with unpleasant or uncomfortable sensations. There are many reasons why behaviour could perhaps be unlearned; this could be due to behaviour in which is destructive or undesirable. These undesirable behaviours come about as individuals associate them with pleasure; the brain learns that, such as, drinking may allow one to feel relaxed a lowers stress levels. This is somewhat fine, however if one becomes reliant on the substance and it begins to take a dominant part in one’s life then this has become an undesirable behaviour. It is one’s choice to unlearn that alcohol equals pleasure. Aversion therapy goes about eliminating this behaviour by attempting to break the association between alcohol and pleasure. The therapy, in the case of alcoholism, involves the patient drinking while together having a negative stimulus directed. The negative stimulus could be an emetic drug (one that causes the patient to vomit when drinking alcohol) such as an emetic drug, one that encouraging vomiting when alcohol is consumed like disulfiram (a synthetic compound used in the treatment of alcoholics to make drinking alcohol produce unpleasant after-effects), or an electric shock administered whenever the patient drinks. In short, then he patient is punished for drinking and, for the same reason a parent punishes a child, a successful outcome is to reduce or completely eliminate their undesirable behaviour. The cognitive approach’s influence to health care Cognitive therapy for depression has its roots in the cognitive theory of depression (Beck, 1967). It is an active, structured, problem-focused, and  time-limited approach to treatment which is based on the premise that depression is maintained by negatively biased information processing and dysfunctional beliefs. Treatment is designed to help patients learn to think more adaptively and thereby experience improvements in affect, motivation, and behaviour. The effectiveness of cognitive therapy for depression has been demonstrated in over 30 clinical trials (Dobson, 1989). The general approach in cognitive therapy for depression involves guiding patients through a number of structured learning experiences. Patients are taught to monitor and write down their negative thoughts and mental images to recognize the association between their thoughts, feelings, physiology, and behaviour. They learn to evaluate the validity and utility of these cognitions, test them out empirically, and change dysfunctional cognitions to reflect a more adaptive viewpoint. As therapy progresses, patients learn to identify, evaluate, and modify underlying assumptions and dysfunctional beliefs that may have predisposed them to depressive reactions. The therapist also teaches (or reactivates) adaptive coping skills such as breaking down large problems into smaller, more manageable steps, and decision-making by cost-benefit analysis. Activity scheduling, self-monitoring of mastery and pleasure, and graded task assignments are commonly used early in therapy to help patients overcome inertia and expose themselves to potentially rewarding experiences. Patients typically require approximately eight sessions to gain a reasonable level of mastery with the model and the skills involved. A significant reduction in symptoms often occurs during this initial stage of therapy. The remaining sessions are used to evaluate and modify dysfunctional beliefs that impair functioning and make the patient vulnerable to future depressive episodes, build relapse prevention skills, and discuss termination issues. According to my research, many patients show a remission of symptoms in 8-12 sessions. A full course of treatment is considered to be 14-16 sessions although severe cases can take longer. Maintenance of treatment gains is enhanced by occasional booster sessions during the first year after one’s termination. The humanistic approach’s influence to health care Humanist learning theorists view learning as a function of the whole person and believe that learning cannot take place unless both the cognitive and affective domains are involved. The individual’s capacity for self-determination is a vital segment of the humanist theory. For example, the humanist theory is used to help post myocardial infarction (a syndrome that involves the inflammation of the sac surrounding the heart); patients regain a sense of personal control over their health care management. The focus of the humanistic perspective is on the self of one individual – which translates into you, and your perception of your individual experiences. This approach argues that one is free to choose his own behaviour, rather than responding to environmental stimuli and reinforcers. Issues dealing with one’s self-esteem, self-fulfilment, and requirements are seen as dominant. The key focus is to assist one’s personal development. Two major theorists associated with this view are Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow. All patients grow with success and do better when achievements are recognized and reinforced. Respecting the whole person in a supportive environment can encourage learning. Learning is also fostered through structuring information appropriately and presenting it in meaningful segments with appropriate feedback. There are a vast variety of conditions that should be encountered before an individual can develop on becoming self-actualized. According to the ‘needs hierarchy’ described by Abraham Maslow, individuals must first secure their basic â€Å"organismic† needs (including adequate food, clothing and shelter necessary to keep them alive). Having achieved the essentials, they next build up and work to achieve: a feeling of adequate safety, a sense of belonging (to one or more social groups and relationship), and a sense of self-respect and social respect. Self-actualization, the drive for one to do all that he desires to do with his life, is something that only occurs as a influence of behaviour after all the earlier needs are adequately satisfied and a state of contented happiness is achieved. For instance, the media create unrealistic, and for most individuals  unattainable ‘ideal’ image, especially for women and adolescent girls. The majority of models exposed publicly are greatly below the ‘normal’ weight for their age and height. In the humanistic vision, human dysfunctions are caused by a faulty or interrupted development process; essentially human issues regarding to immaturity, or commonly of the social/emotional variety. The aim of humanistic therapy is to promote social or emotional maturity and growth. Through assisting service user’s to resume their disrupted developmental processes in healthy directions, patients are helped by professionals in order to grow up and out the of the immature mental and emotional states that contribute to the pain one may feel or cause pain upon others. The psychodynamic approach to health care Anxiety is a feeling of worry, extreme nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome. The condition gives of an uncomfortable feeling of fear or an approaching disaster and could perhaps negatively reflects the thoughts and bodily reactions an individual may encounter when presented with a situation that is unable to be managed. When an individual experiences the feelings of anxiety, their thoughts may often actively assess the different situations without intentionally doing so; the individual may too develop predictions of how they will cope founded on past experiences. Despite the fact that some anxiety is a normal response to difficult and stressful circumstances, whereas the anxiety level is abnormally high an individual may lack the awareness of how to effectively control the issue. Anxiety can take many forms, and several of these may consist of: An intense physical response due to the arousal of the nervous system leading to the physical symptoms (which may involve the racing of a heartbeat). A cognitive response referring to the thought about the issue and the individuals ability to manage with it. Those which encounter the condition of anxiety may often feel negative about most situations and think unenthusiastic thoughts. A behavioural response which could consist avoidance or unusual behaviour including aggression, restlessness or  irrational behaviour. An emotion response reflecting the high level of distress the individual is confronted with. There is just not one cause of anxiety, however there are a number of factors that could contribute to the development of anxious thoughts, feelings and behaviour. The many factors comprise of: Hereditary – many research has suggested that those with a family history of anxiety are more likely to also develop anxiety. Biochemical reasons – Research suggests that individuals who experience a high level of anxiety may have an imbalance of chemicals in the brain that regulate feelings and physical reactions. Certain life experiences – Particular life experiences can allow individuals more vulnerable to anxiety. Events such as a family break-up, abuse, ongoing bullying, and/or workplace conflict can be stress factors that challenge a person’s coping resources and leave them in a vulnerable state to experiencing anxiety. References: Euromed Info [Online] Available from: (Date accessed 19/01/15) Cognitive-behavioural approaches and weight management: an overview. (2000) [Online] Available from: (Date accessed 19/01/15) Cognitive Therapy for Depression [Online] Available from: (Date accessed 19/01/15) What Is Aversion Therapy? (2015) [Online] Available from: (Date accessed 09/02/15] DEPRESSION: MAJOR DEPRESSION & UNIPOLAR VARIETIES (2015) [Online] Available from: (Date accessed 09/02/15) Humanistic Approach (2015) [Online] Available from: [Date accessed 09/02/15] Theory in Humanistic Psychology [Online] Available from: [Date accessed 11/02/15] Psychotherapy (2015) [Online] Available from: [Date accessed 11/02/15] Aversion Therapy – Alcoholism Drug Therapy (2013) [Online] Available from: [Date accessed 11/02/15]

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Family in Transition Essay

The study of the family faces various difficulties. The difficulties essentially arise from the changing forms of families in the United States in the modern times. The legalization of same sex marriages in the society is one of the sources of definition problem in the recent past. People get it hard to call the union of people of the same sex family since the union may not fulfill the roles of a family such as siring children. Another problem has arisen from the internal shift from a case where the father used to be the leader of the family to such family setups like single motherhood and single fatherhood. (b). The Traditional Family In the United States over the years the traditional family was comprised of the father mother and children. The father was the head of the family whereby he provided for the family by working in the public space. The mother was subservient to the father and her duties were restricted to the domestic space (Skolnick & Skolnick, 2008, p6). Over the past hundred years changes have occurred to the traditional family. The changes have been influenced by the industrialization that led to work for women and also by the changing of psychological orientation of the people in the country. The realization of women’s ability to perform in the workplace that was initially the province of men has made women ask for more equality with men in those areas where they were initially oppressed. With hard economic realities children have to study hard in order to be successful in the future, hence Children are occupied in education for most of their days and are absent from the family most of the time. They have changed from being domestic workers alongside their mothers as the society has shifted to education for survival. (c). Several Myths Regarding The Family Exist In The Contemporary World. Skolnick & Skolnick (2008, p5) writes that four myths about the family exist. The first is the universality myth. This myth holds that families are the same all over the world. This myth has been promulgated by anthropologists who seek a universal definition of the family. However this myth is not truth because different cultures have differing constitutions of the family. For instance there are incidences of monogamy and polygamy. The myth of universality is thought to be influenced by the notion of taking nuclear monogamous family as the ideal. It is however not fair to subscribe to this myth as different families have different member construction. The myth of harmony is another notion that has been used when referring to the family. There has been a long history of seeing families as either happy or unhappy, or normal and abnormal. This myth has however been proven as false since the family may have many problems that are kept secret by the members of the family. It is common for families that are seen as normal by the society to have domestic violence going on. This myth has the effect of making people oblivious of the real situations that families go through. Another myth is the myth of parental determinism. This myth tries to take the responsibility for functional family from the family members by laying the blame on the way one was brought up. This myth does not stand in the face of studies that have come out with conclusion that a child’s behavior is not totally dependent on what their parents or the society teaches them. The study informs that people’s behaviors are influenced by their own thinking and temperaments and characteristics. The myth of a stable past holds that there was a golden era of the family whereby members of the family existed with minimum or no conflict. This myth claims that evils that dog the family in the modern times were not existent in the old times. However, no evidence has been adduced to support this myth. Any attempt to give evidence reveals how past generations were afflicted by social ills such as premarital sex, infanticide and illegitimate children. 2. Conservatives, Liberals and Feminists views on the â€Å"Decline of the Family† The family in the USA has been facing several problems in the modern times. According to conservatives, symptoms of the decline of the family have been seen in the increased number of single parents, reduction of births, increase in gay and lesbian relations, couples refraining from getting children in marriage, divorces, female spouses’ economic independence in marriages, divorces among others (Skolnick & Skolnick, 2008). Liberals don’t see this as the signs of decline but rather as the signs of welcome change in the way people perceive the family. Feminists, who have for long pressed for the release of the woman from her traditionally imposed roles in the family, sees the developments that enhance the freedom of women in marriages such as economic independence or even divorce as welcome developments. For liberals who advocate for the societies breaking away from old traditions the apparent changes in the family today are welcome. They argue that these developments are a source of more liberty to the family members as they help make an environment for the home that is new. Liberals place a premium on the capacity of the family to create happiness for its members and they hold that the happiness results from the realization of individual family members desires. The result is a rather flexible definition of the family whereby people get to have diversity of what can be called families and also family values. In the circles of liberals these developments are transitional and are essentially progressive hence they should be embraced. They are said to lead to a better society. Conservatives views on the modern changes of the family are directly opposite to those of the liberals. The conservatives see them as the signs of the ultimate family decline. The conservative’s opinion puts them in contrast with feminists as well.   The stance of the conservatives is widely criticized because they support systems that are known to be unprogressive just for its own sake and never adapting to change. They for instance, by advocating for the traditional kind of family, they support male chauvinism in the society whereas women have become empowered and hence play roles men used to play in the past. Feminists have been accused for causing breakups in families since they advocate for the liberation of the woman. The society has faced situations whereby the mother who would like to put their families first is scorned upon by feminists. The role of the woman in the family hence becomes attractive to disagreements some which end up in separation and divorce There are questions ranging about the family in the country in the modern day. People ask of the family whether it is an institution headed for extinction of whether it is undergoing transition. It is no doubt that the developments on the family are deeply influenced by the ideological emphasis of the American people on values of individual liberty and choice. There is no doubt that the society in general and the family in particular must in a way accommodate the changes that have happened in the modern world. The changes such as the financial empowerment of women and the realization of gay as well as lesbian rights have irrevocable impact of bringing change to the roles of members within the family. Consequently relations in the home are bound to be altered of redefined. Equality of the sexes in the society, unlike the traditional patriarchy also contributes to the changes happening to the family. The changes have the impact of bringing more happiness in the society and they are welcome to a great number of people. Caution should be taken, however to avoid the situation of imposed decline on the family by adapting thoughtlessly to the tide of change. The family has for long been a source of emotional and moral support and its end would bring disillusionment to the society. The changes to the traditional family should not destroy the traditional role of the family such as procreation. There is a need to adapt to the roles of the modern woman in the home and do away with the traditional roles, for it seems that it is by embracing roles that the family stays together. 3. Decline of gender inequality in America Gender inequality has been on the downward trend since the 1840s. The era of decline of inequality since then is divided into four parts which mark the steps in the progress towards equality (Skolnick & Skolnick, 2008, p105). The era of separate spheres existed between 1840 and 1890. In this era equality of the sexes was formally instituted. Only single women worked and a few number of women attended colleges. This are had minimal divorces that happened only out of dire circumstances. In the realm of procreation there was no control of births. Also in this era was subordination of the women by their husbands as an aspect of culture. The era of egalitarian illusions followed. This era that is known as the era of assimilation occurred between 1890 and 1940. In this era jobs for married women began to be found in the society. There was increase in the rate of divorce in the society but it was not easy to get divorced. The family also enjoyed increased control over reproduction. Mothers in the society in this era were well educated and could be employed in the public service. 1940 to 1990 was the era that followed. Hereby is when jobs became available for women of all kinds and women could access education the same way as men did. The era also saw the increase divorce in the society as it got increasingly accepted. Again there was increased sexual freedom in the society and the cultural values included pursuing careers and equality in marriages. The subsequent era that is from the 1990’s to the present day has seen women occupy the highest offices alongside men. There is a conscience that duties of the domestic setting pull women back. However, in this era whereby women seem to have made the great strides towards equality with men there remains some lucrative domains in education that are dominated by men, for instance the domain of engineering. Moreover evils perpetuated against women in the society such as rape are still at high levels. These residual inequalities are currently being dealt with and it is hoped that the completion of the equality may take effect soon.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Favourite Hoiliday Essay

The word Diwali is an incorrect form of the word Dipawali, which means Rows Of Light. People will celebrate this festival during Karthik (October- November). All Indians will celebrate this festival but different religious people have various opinions about it. The Hindhus celebrates this festival as a gesture of their joy because when Sri Ramachandra return to Ayodhya after 14 years exile in the forest following his victory over evil demon Ravana in a war and signifies the victory of good over evil. This is a day for which every child waits through out the year. Though it’s a festival for all people it is very interesting to young people because they savor most on this day. On this occasion everyone will like to wear traditional dresses. On this day my house is completely decorated with flowers ,candle lights and elecronic bulbs so it looks like a heaven twinkling with sparkling lights. I initiate shopping around 1 month before the festival, because it is not only a festival for us it’s a day where all of our cousins compete to look pretty, so it resembles the fashion show. Everyone will peer like angels dropped from heaven, I think two eyes are not enough see the beauty of them. On this ceremony my mother will prepare delicious food, the menu itself is really mouth watering. My favourite dessert is double ka meeta it’s very rich and delicious. The ingrediants added in this are bread, milk, sugar, butter, almonds and cashews. One of the only thing I miss about Hyderabad apart from people is food especially this dessert nothing beats this taste. when I eat this dessert it definitely comes into my dream because its taste is that superb. The thing that which sounds very interesting and elite part of this festival is bursting of crackers. There are plenty kind of crackers, but I like rocket and Vishnu-bar most. I am really excited while bursting rocket because it directly goes upwards with vivid colors and zooyi sound. It’s really a beautiful scene when all the crackers bursted and emits bright colours with variety sounds. In the night time the whole city looks like a stars in the sky. All in all, I go to bed with all these memorable moments in my mind. It brings a wonderful feeling into the heart and souls of every man, woman and  child. Everyone must celebrate the festival and savor the fresh feeling in it. New clothes, dishes, sweets, fun and crackers all these are part of this festival.

Friday, September 27, 2019

More testing, More learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

More testing, More learning - Essay Example No less no more to the usual mid and final exams, O’Malley discusses on how exactly instructors do less about unusual rhetorical situation, but humbly addressing professors to revise the feelings in campus we find that it is at the end of time we sweat most because of un-aided preparedness. I fully agree with the sentiments given by the author of this essay in relations to the learning of students while in college. Similarly to the sentiments of the essay’s author usually find my heart pounding during exams, because it feels like am approaching a tough stranger am not used to, whether or not my scores will be better, relies on my experience with an examination. O’Malley’s emphasis stands at how the management doesn’t find means like brief examination to encourage frequent studying, and the failure to motivate students’ best performance. If professors give additional short exams at constant experience, students would feel more obligated to strike back and give back by studying more regularly, learn more and improve on their performance. O’Malley’s essay can be used to criticize some highly repeated by students in schools, but most valuable thing to use. Due to what I have most time learned about the responsibilities, possibilities and problems exams, Marley interviewed several professors and the results of his the effectiveness of his essay that his writing lie on the case of several students. Marley states that â€Å"researchers found that even â€Å"low† procrastinators did not study regularly and recommended that professors give frequent assignments and exams to reduce procrastination and increase achievement† this highlights the situation that Sometimes a student might totally have no mood to train nor a lecturer to have all the courage to virtually set the bulk of work given throughout a term into brief assignments so to make it sink technically into the student’s brains by doing frequent short exam, however,

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Law - Tort of Negligence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Law - Tort of Negligence - Essay Example Before then, the courts studied the circumstances of the case and so if there was precedent and decided, based on all these, if the plaintiff was entitled to redress. Tort of negligence There was no set rule defining what negligence was. It was in the case of Donoghue vs. Stevenson where negligence as a rule first arose (Oliphant,2005. P. 325). In this case the plaintiff’s friend offered her a ginger beer that was manufactured by the defendants. The drink was contained in an opaque bottle. She poured some of the beer and drank it. When she poured some more, she discovered that the drink had contained a decomposed snail. She then became sick because of the disgust from the thought that she had been drinking the remains of the decomposed snail. She sued the manufacturers. The defendants argued that if they had a contract, it was between them and the plaintiff’s friend, who was in fact the one who bought the drink. They therefore didn’t have a contract with the plai ntiff and didn’t even know her. So they had no liability. From the courts arguments in this case, three major points came out- Contract fallacy: The court agreed that one doesn’t need to have contractual relations with someone else in order to be liable to that person. This point shot down the defendants’ argument. ... who are in my contemplation when I am directing my mind to the acts or omissions in question.† This point showed that the defendant did indeed owe the plaintiff a duty of care. The principle of product liability: This principle states that the manufacturer of a defective product is liable to the ultimate consumer who receives that product. This principle has since then evolved and gone on to serve new purposes. This case went up to the House of Lords and they agreed that the defendant owed the plaintiff a duty of care. The factors of whether there was a breach of that duty and whether damage occurred were not brought up in this case because the defendants feared the bad publicity that the case had brought and decided to settle it with the plaintiff outside the court. The court decided that there were three main ingredients to the tort of negligence: The defendant must owe a duty of care to the plaintiff there must be a breach of that duty, and the breach must result in damage. Breach of duty to take care Thus the first thing that the cricket club ought to ask itself was whether the Brunel owed it a duty of care. From there the cricket club must establish whether Brunel breached the duty of care. This comes about where the defendant failed to take reasonable care. Reasonableness may vary with circumstances e.g. if someone is handling a box of sweets, the reasonable care required may be much less than that which is required while handling a box of explosives. The case of Blyth vs. Birmingham Waterworks Co. further expounded on this Alderson B. in this case described negligence as â€Å"omission to do something which a reasonable man, guided upon those considerations which generally or ordinarily regulate human affairs will do, or doing something which a reasonable man

Management Principles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Management Principles - Essay Example This report identifies the advantages and disadvantages of the lifetime employment model and offers lessons for today’s managers who are still considering using this lifetime employment system. When employees are given lifetime employment guarantees, the business must consider its responsibilities in terms of the law. Gibson and Piscitelli (1997) offer that business leaders must be careful about certain statements which are made which can be interpreted by employees to mean that their jobs will always be secure. In one large, multi-national business environment, a business manager, in passing workplace discussion, told his employee that â€Å"we will retire together†. This statement was made in an environment where no such lifetime employment guarantees were part of the business model, however the employee was able to convince the legal system that a lifetime employment contract was implied, thus imposing significant consequences for the business. Even though this was not a business where lifetime employment was being offered to employees, it tends to illustrate the importance of considering the legal responsibilities of these agreements. Repa and Stewart (1999) offer that the largest legal risk is when employees begin to perceive that contracts exist between themselves and the business entity, thus the creation of an implied contract becomes grounds for legal disputes. In a business where lifetime employment is part of the business model, companies must consider the risks of these types of agreements as employees have considerable legal resources available in the event that employees perceive breaches of these contracts, whether implied or based on written employee contracts. The business must also consider that, when offering lifetime employment guarantees, the current marketplace or economic conditions will not always, in the future, be favourable

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Needs Assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Needs Assessment - Essay Example In order to effectively utilize modern technologies, user manuals become an essential part of business needs because it facilitates employees with certain information related to the proper process of utilization of technological features or applications. Consequently, through the gained learning from user manual related to the operational process of a technological application, employees could support and be beneficial to the organization to achieve the organizational goals through performing effectively or systematically. Moreover, satisfying employees through providing the primary requirements by the organization also becomes an essential need for the organization in order to increase commitment of the employees. Audience Audience in this particular circumstance is the employees. Employees play an effective role for the organization by helping and leading the organization to serve in the market with its products and services. With the consideration to this aspect, an organization s hould motivate its employees to perform better with the assigned tasks. In order to motivate its employees and maintain their work-life balance, the organization should implement new technologies i.e. ... fore starting the work assigned by the organization, employees should study the operational objectives of the organization in order to perform effectively. Situation Performing in accordance with the organizational requirements and considered or implemented modern technologies, the employees could face certain difficulties, i.e. lack of proper operational knowledge regarding usage of MS Office and office e-mail system. Lack of adequate knowledge related to the identified technologies refers to the situation in which employees are unfamiliar with proper functionalities of the undertaken technologies by the organization while serving and supporting the organization to achieve the objectives effectively. Furthermore, it is also observed from the interview that certain number of employees also face various problems regarding proper utilization of the applications because the employees have got a lack of information regarding the appropriate operation usage. Moreover, the problems can be identified as lack of knowledge regarding adaptability of the applications, frequent occurrence of errors while handling the applications and inadequate knowledge regarding the features of the applications. Goals Every organization has certain goals while operating in the market. The primary goals of organization are to assist the prevailing customers of the market by meeting their requirements through providing quality products and services along with maximizing the organizational profits. Furthermore, other fundamental goals of organization can be identified as facilitating usage of modern technology and innovative ideas in accordance with changing needs of globalization. The goals of organization are to provide facilities to the employees, such as insurance, better salary, and good

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Defeating Diabetes one step at a time- the Alpha Gamma Delta Essay

Defeating Diabetes one step at a time- the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation - Essay Example According to the American Diabetes Association, nearly 23.6 million people representing 8% of population are diabetic which is increasingly becoming a cause of growing concern and hence in dire need of strong and prompt action. It is in the light of these facts that I intend to take up the cause and help make a difference to the society of which we all are a part of. The cause need to be popularized through media as well as through word of mouth, so as to cause awareness about this critical issue and touch the lives of millions of people worldwide by spreading the word. With a host of opportunities available today, especially with the growth of internet and its rising popularity among the young and the old alike, the cause could be conveniently propagated through blogs, social networking sites, video uploading sites, as well as through other forms of media such as T.V and news advertisements. In order to make a difference you need to have a vision – a vision that inspires change. They say that you need to be the change you want to see and to suffice I’d like to quote these lines: â€Å"Maybe I will never be, All the things that I’d like to be, Now is not the time to cry, Now is the time to find out why† –

Monday, September 23, 2019

Discussion of Portfolio Theory Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Discussion of Portfolio Theory - Coursework Example Corporate investors use the same concept when they build up a portfolio. The above discussion demonstrates that asset is a weight in the portfolio. An investor never buys all securities of the financial market; rather selects a combination of securities. This is when the concept of risk arises. Thus, portfolio theory has two important parameters: weight of an asset in the portfolio and its risk. The concept risk relates to the return on investment. Let us consider a single stock A. The stock A has predicted returns for different economic states as well as the probability of occurring these states. Theoretically three states are considered: boom, average, and recession. Using formulas, one can calculate expected return, E (rA), and risk of the return of the stock A. The risk of return is expressed through standard deviation ÏÆ', and in percentage. A portfolio consists of multiple financial instruments, each of them with specific predicted returns. Let us now say, we have three securi ties in a portfolio: stock B, stock C, and stock D. The portfolio return will be E (r portfolio) = WB x E (rB) + WC x E (rC) + WD x E (rD). The value of E (r Portfolio) will compensate the risk of each single security.A portfolio consists of Gold Stock, Auto Stock with relative weight 75 % and 25 %. The return is shown below.: Convert predicted returns of two stocks to the return of one average stock. The formula is Average predicted return = Weight of Auto stock x Predicted return + Weight of Gold stock x Predicted return.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Final Paper on Philosophy Essay Example for Free

Final Paper on Philosophy Essay In its known usage, the word Reality pertains to something that actually exists and which can be felt by the senses. Metaphysics, a branch of Philosophy, tries to discern reality from illusion, as it investigates on things that are real which could also be just illusions of what people want to be real—ideals. However, what can be sensed from the surroundings does not seem to be just mere illusions, as the body and the mind react to everything it senses. In Philosophy, reality usually pertains to existence since it is contrasted with nonexistence—those unreal—and mere possibilities—could be real but does not necessarily exist, unless discovered. To this date, there are still speculations about the Nature of Reality. It could be possible that people are living on their dream worlds, and not in reality (like in the Matrix movie). However, these people perceive their dream worlds as an equal of reality. Hence, they are still living in reality unless someone drags them out of that reality and into another level of reality, which is more real. 2. On a nutshell, the documentary film â€Å"Zen and Now† by Alan Watts points out that people should live in the Now which is actually the main principle of Zen philosophy. Unnecessary baggage could only hinder the person’s progress, in moving on with his or her life. Personal progress seems to be the undying aim of Zen philosophy as it promotes moving forward rather than shackling the self behind in the past. It also does not entail the idea of expecting what could happen in the future. The primary focus is the Now, neither the past nor the future. The principle of Zen pertains to establishing a harmony with the self before people could establish it with others and with the world. Hence, it should be quite simple to understand what Alan Watts wanted to convey. Living in the now is the best way to live life since it gets rid of the excess baggage that drags the person towards his or her sinkhole—the past. This baggage usually make up of the person’s regrets, basically anything negative about his or her past (events, personalities, and the like). 3. The Zimbardo film is about the Stanford Prison Experiment which was conducted by Philip Zimbardo. Basically, it entailed the role-playing of both prisoners and guards by participants who were screened before being accepted. As the film would show, the participants’ imagination grew out of hand, even with the presence of the research team. It may possibly be an act out of human nature, when these participants were given their respective roles. They acted as if it were the real deal; guards taking out their frustration towards the prisoners and prisoners would plan of escaping or creating riots within the prison. The role-playing seemed to unleash genuine human nature of many participants as some would show sadistic tendencies towards the prisoners. It also seemed that imagination initially played a part on this â€Å"unleashing† but it was more the work of the subconscious that guided these people to completely assume their respective roles. The environment, upon which a person belongs to, can have an astounding effect towards him or her. It can actually alter some of the person’s traits as it is part of human nature to adapt to certain environments. It also influences the person’s perception of his or her reality as some situations and conditions involved in the environment would affect the person. 4. The Milgram experiment entailed the testing of a person’s obedience to an authority who orders would instruct him or her to do unethical things that opposes with the person’s conscience. Many of the experiment’s participants were reluctant of administering a high voltage shock of 450 towards the receiver. As the result would show, the willingness of the participant to administer the 450-volts shock greatly conflicts with his or her conscience. They have to be coerced, threatened, or abused in order to successfully administer the shock; unless it served a higher purpose. Humans do not obey commands that can be classified as unethical, immediately. Human conscience seems to prevent the person to follow the commands without hesitation. The experiment could already be perceived as unethical because it entailed the electro-shocking of the learner by the teacher—the participant. The relationship between authority and conscience was tested in this experiment. Many of the participants were reluctant to follow the commands of the authority figure. They showed signs of disobeying the authority figure since they would believe that what they were tasked to perform is unethical. 5. Steve Pinker’s stand is to refurbish the current English Language that has been ravaged by various media influences, by reclaiming the respect for the English language. Every person is capable to speak grammatically but somehow they would choose to follow the English language that popular culture seems to promote (as mentioned, rockers, surfers, valley girls), as well as the standards proposed by Mavens which he utterly despises. As long as these two would continue to promote their version of English, then relearning proper grammar would be a hard task. The promotion of the proper usage of English will definitely be a tough road ahead for the likes of Pinker, as media and the mavens would continue to influence society. 6. Both the environment and free will play a significant role in shaping a person into what he or she can become in the future. Free will would involve decisions to certain situations that could actually be summoned by the person’s environment. However, free will would ultimately shape the person more significantly than the environment as it is his or her decisions that promote the development of the person. The environment could only play a minor role on the person’s development. It is the person’s free will that shapes his or her future. I believe on free will as the catalyst in shaping the person. Free will enables the person to participate with the environment like making the right decisions for certain situations wherein some are raised by the environment. A person could not and should not rely on fate in order to help him or her progress in life or move forward. It is all the work of free will that allows such change to occur within the person and his or her life. 7. Charlie Manson experienced social regression in his childhood life, as his mother rejected him a few times; at one point, even trading him for a pitcher of alcohol. In prison, he learned the teachings of Scientology (a cult led by L Ron Hubbard) and applied many of it to his own established philosophy that he and his followers believed in. The growing crisis of the racial tension between the whites and blacks made him fear that one day, the blacks will take over the whites’ position in society, upon which believing that the Manson family will then have control over the blacks and their society. The Manson philosophy (coded: Helter Skelter) was as destructive as it can be, as it involved spurring chaos in society. His followers were made to believe that they were following the commands of a Jesus Christ incarnate, as they were forced to do anything he commands. It was not fate that brought him into becoming the person that everyone feared in the past. It was his free will that spurred the numerous murders, ordered his â€Å"family† to commit these killings, and sent him to prison. Apparently, he did not have control over his free will as he did everything that seemed to please him. 8. There would be a noise created as it falls to the ground. However, it would not be heard by anything or anyone as there are no living creatures in the forest; unless one would consider the surrounding trees as living things (frankly speaking, they are). It is for certain that there will be noise created as the tree would come crashing down, but without a creature to hear the noise, then it would not be considered as noise in the first place. Two sides could be drawn up from this question: (1) There is a noise since it fell to the ground hard (I suppose it would be hard), and (2) there would not be a single noise as no living creature heard it. For (1), anything can make a noise, intentionally or unintentionally. So it is impossible for the tree to fall down hard silently. In (2), even if the tree creates a noise while falling down, who would be there to receive the sound and conclude it as a sort of noise? That seems to be the main problem here as most living creatures (if not, all) could hear sound. Then again, noise was created but nothing was able to receive it and conclude that it was noise. 9. The Sensory Transduction involves the detection and translation of any form of stimulus. It involves the five senses, making sensory transduction an indispensable part of people’s lives. It involves how people would interpret what they could sense. It may be possible for people to control the transduction of sensorial vibrations (usually associated with feelings), although it might require immense amounts of concentration and will power. The brain would translate these sensorial vibrations for the benefit of the individual; which he or she later translates into experience by how he or she reacts to the translated sensorial vibrations (by the brain). On the other hand, these sensorial vibrations may travel too fast for the person, enabling instinct to take its course in providing the individual how to react on the given situation; given that he or she already experienced the same condition before. I believe people could control the transduction of sensorial vibrations simply because they could choose what they want to sense. A child would close his or her eyes on the scariest parts of the horror movie simply because he or she does not want to get scared. However, it could also be considered that instinct comes into play when the person would fail to react to these transductions. 10. Universal reality is simply the existence of all things; the totality of time, space, and being. Yes, there is a Universal reality in people’s lives because everything around them exists and it will continue to exist until it is removed from time, space, and being. Basically, Universal Reality makes up everything that people could sense around them inside this chamber. People may be unaware of this fact but the Universal reality does not remain constant forever, as it could experience constant changes; changes that enable people to adapt to an altered perception of that supposed Universal reality. Somehow it is thought that all realities originated from a single source of energy or force, upon which all top religions considered as God—the universal being. Basically, the answer would be that there is an existing Universal reality as it entails everything that people would perceive as real and those that can be unreal—as some individuals could perceive them while others could not. Universal reality is all that exists in people’s realities. Hence, there is such a thing.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

A Review On The Tragic Case Of Baby P

A Review On The Tragic Case Of Baby P In this assignment, I will talk about the baby P case. A distressing case of a 17 month old baby that was viciously beaten on many occasions as social workers, doctors and the police stepped back and watched as the young baby who was supposedly a child in protection died in a blood-spattered cot in 2007 spending most of his life being used as a punching bag. (Mail Online: 2008) I will also discuss what went wrong the failures that let this case down and some recommendations for what have been changed since to prevent this situation from happening again. Peter Connolly was born on the 1st of March 2006; he was a happy healthy baby boy. He attended regular check -ups in the hospital, showing no signs of major concerns. It was only 6 months after, on the 19th of September issues arose on baby Ps health when his mother brought the child to see the GP confirming that the child bruised easily and she was worried that claims would be made accusing her. The child was later brought back to hospital for check-ups presenting more and more bruising as the visits went on. In December 2006, doctors described these injuries as non accidental and grew increasing alarmed of the welfare of the child. (Baby P and the Care Quality Commission Report: 2009) At this point baby Ps mother was arrested on suspicion of assault and baby P was handed over to social services in care of Haringeys child protection register. (Mail Online: 2008) It was reported that baby Ps mother took part in a parenting centre. (Baby P and the Care Quality Commission Report: 2009) 26th January 2007: the child was handed back to his mother, after the case proved inconclusive in court, against police advice. (Mail Online: 2008) During a visit in March, Maria Ward, Case worker, became aware of a mark on Baby Ps face claiming that he bruised easily from a fall. The doctors verified this claim, ruling out the theory, unfortunately, this information was accessed by police and social workers after the childs death. 9th April 2007: Baby P was admitted to AE with injuries sustained to the head. He was later emitted from hospital without any discharge meeting and hands back to his mother without any worries by case workers. (Baby P and the Care Quality Commission Report: 2009) After missing appointments with health visitor, Paulette Thomas, Baby Ps mother was sent an appointment by child protection for a check up. During this check-up bruises were found on the child and his mother was arrested for the second time on suspicion of assault. Baby Ps mother was later released from Primary Mental Health Service and again was handed her baby boy. Cross agency meeting were called but the Haringeys lawyers insisted there was a lack of information for care proceedings to take place. (Mail Online: 2008) It was heard in court that on his final days, Baby P was smeared in chocolate and nappy cream to hide bruises or injuries from Maria Ward on her visit later on that day. It also heard that before baby Ps death he was scheduled to be assessed by Sabah-Al-Zayyat, a paediatrician. (Mail Online: 2008) Despite Baby Ps repeated cries of pain, the consultant missed both his broken back and ribs (Times online: 2008) She claimed she was unable to assess the child because he was miserable and cranky. (A short life of misery and pain: 2008) The trail heard that Baby P spent his last weekend with his natural father, where he noticed that the childs head had been shaved and that he was missing a finger nail. They also heard that on his final night Baby P received a harmful whack, knocking out a tooth, which was later found in his stomach. After all his suffering, He was found dead in his blood-spattered cot the next morning and police summoned to the Middlesex Hospital were struck by his mothers lack of emotion Even after her childs death she was more worried about finding her cigarettes before she left the house. She and her lover (who claimed to be toughing up the child for when he was older) were arrested without any delay. (Mail Online: 2008) What went wrong? Throughout this case there are many key aspects missing. A big aspect of the failure in this case was the lack of communication and of the team work and collaboration. A team of individuals, with vary backgrounds, perspectives, skills and training, who work together towards the common goal of delivering a health or social care service. (Dalikeni C: 2010) There was very little team work and sharing information between the services in this case. Services included in this case were the police, social workers, case workers and doctors. Information collected throughout this case by the individual services was kept to themselves and advice given by the various services was ignored. E.g. 19th September when Baby P first starting showing signs of bruising and his mother claimed that the child bruised easily, no further investigation into the concerns of the child were taken. This shows a lack of interest on behalf of the doctors involved in this case. Again in December when doctors proved that the childs bruising was non accidental and his mother was arrested, he was later handed back to her by social services in Haringeys child protection against the advice of the police. This was another failure through lack of communication between police and social services. No further check-ups or visits took place. (Baby P and the Care Quality Commissi on Report: 2009) In March, when Miss Ward became aware of marks during her visit she dismissed them as a fall, this information was ruled out and the report reached the police and social services after his death, this was 5 months after the claim had been reported. This proved that Miss Ward under analysed this case. This again was another communication failure between the services, this was through there inappropriate systems for communication or where staff did not adhere to processes for their particular organisations (Baby P and the Care Quality Commission Report: 2009) It was reported that when Baby P had been admitted to AE he was handed back to his mother without any discharge meeting taken place. This shows again the lack of awareness shown by professionals and also the lack of communication between the professionals themselves in the same services. In this case guidance was ignored when it was clear that the child had been sent to hospital by child protection due to concerns of the childs welfare, no meeting or discussion was taken place prior the childs discharge. In these cases a formal strategy should have taken place in the interest of the child. (Baby P and the Care Quality Commission Report: 2009) Team work is set in place for many different reasons e.g. joint responsibility, constant interaction with peers, support, different roles and relationships with service users and because most of the work in the fields of the health department, social work, police etc is more appropriate done as part of a team. This can only ever be effective if there is open communication, clarity in task, interagency collaboration etc, yet through this case many of these key points are missing. (C. Dalikeni: 2010) After the tragic death of Victoria Climbe in 2000, Haringey social services were critized over their failures to save her from child abuse, 7 years later they yet again were in the spot light for failing another child. (A short life of pain and misery: 2008) Although he was put in child protection Baby P died 8 months after. Even after his mother was arrested twice the social services still handed him back to his mother without any worries of his welfare or any acknowledgement of advice suggested by police.( Mail Online: 2008) The ladder of collaboration was taken into consideration when it came to agencies in this case. Step 7: Different agencies are invited to each others meetings this would have helped all agencies stick together with the same information and no boundaries would be broken and everyone would be clear on their position and what they were assigned to do. (The Reality of Collaborative working: Pg 247) A lack of details on the background of the case was taken, this caused a set back on the information getting appropriately to the different agencies. Child protection conferences are an idol way of professionals in this case of getting and sharing useful information for what was in the best interest of the child. It was evident that this was not the case in this situation, this is all shown through the lack of information on the case and it is also apparent that these professionals often didnt even show up at these meetings.(Baby P and the Care Quality Commission Report: 2009) Another issue that caused failures in this case was that a full background history of the child was not in the hospital on any occasion he was taken into hospital for his check-ups. (Baby P and the Care Quality Commission Report: 2009) Stage 2: Ladder of collaboration would have been useful here , while the child was being checked, another doctor or member of the child protection services could have taken an account of the childs injuries or any concerns (The Reality of collaborative working: Pg 247) This would show an indication of interagency collaboration through the reduction of overlapping on information already taken, Providing a share in the responsibilities and reduction of stress of members of the individual agencies. (Macklin 1991, Harris et al 1995) Haringeys decision to return baby P to his mother effectively handed the child a death sentence according to Mor Dioum of the Victoria Climbe Foundation (Mail Online: 2008) Recommendations When Miss Ward was o her home visit and seen that Baby P was covered in chocolate and nappy cream, instead of dismissing this, she should have asked for the child to be cleaned up properly before checking him. This would have helped her notice any marks or injuries the child may have had and were being hidden from her from the abuser.(Baby P Better Protection for vulnerable children Practical Recommendations: 2008) A big part of the failures in this case was the handing back of Baby P to his mother against any advice from the police. Social workers should have taken into consideration the advice and should not have been over ruled. After signs of abuse the child should be taken from the family and put into care to avoid any other risks to his/her health and welfare.(Baby P Better Protection for Vulnerable children Practical Recommendations: 2008) Unannounced/Surprise visits should be put in place. These check-ups would be idol for abusers that try hiding any signs of danger or injury on a child. This gives the social worker a better idea of the background of what the child is really going through. This also stops any time for explanations/excuses that the abusers would have to make up to cover themselves for any injuries the child may have.(Baby P Better Protection for vulnerable children Practical Recommendations: 2008) In this case social workers were more worried about keeping this family together instead of the welfare of the child. This should not be first priority, in the interest of the child is taken into consideration the child should be removed from the family if any risks should become a concern. Removing the child from the family in any abuse case is an idol way for the child to be safe and avoid any other injuries or health problems for the child. (Baby P Better Protection for vulnerable children Practical Recommendations: 2008) These are only some of many recommendations that should be available to the social services, medical professionals and also the police. This would help insure that children all around the world are safe and free from child abuse. Conclusion On conclusion to my easy, we have seen many tragic occasions of child abuse and how without any proper care this child was taken from the world earlier than he should have been. Hopefully now the social services, police and doctors can introduce more strict regulations to prevent any more situations more/less horrific as this one.